The following requirements must be followed or healing results of this procedure may be unsuccessful.
Permanent Makeup is NOT recommended for any clients who are or have:
Pregnant or nursing
Diabetic – please get a doctor’s clearance before booking appointment
Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
Viral infections and/or diseases. If prone to cold sore outbreaks, please take Valtrex as a prophylactic 3 days before lips treatment, day of treatment, and 3 days after treatment (7 days) to prevent a cold sore outbreak
For eyeliner micropigmentation, please be off Latisse lash serums for 2 weeks before treatment. Latisse lash growth serums will cause danger of pigment migration.
For eyeliner treatments, please remove lash extensions, false lash strips, and contact lenses before treatment
Pacemaker or major heart problems
Organ transplant
Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.). Please wait until the skin has cleared up before treatment
Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
Botox or fillers in the past 2 weeks
Accutane in the past year
Have taken antibiotics in the past 14 days
Before Treatment:
No Aspirin, Advil or Blood Thinners: These products make you bleed, making it difficult to implant pigment. If on prescription blood thinners, I will still treat you, but try to stop for a few days, or please be aware that excess bleeding may impact the pigment retention.
Stop fish oil, krill oil one week before treatment.
No alcohol or caffeine the night before or day of the procedure , as well as aspirin Tylenol, Motrin.This will cause excess bleeding.
If you are on any medications that are blood thinners like Advil, Retin-A, Vitamin A, C & E, Fish Oils, Niacin. Stop 6 weeks prior to the procedure.
(Please consult your physician prior to stopping any medication)
Certain medications may cause issues during the procedure. Please consult your physician prior and disclose that information before booking your appointment
No Sunburn or Tan